Successions & Inheritance Law
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Successions & Inheritance Law

Legacy Protection Services

One of the main reasons for family disputes, and even family breakdown, is linked to the inheritance received from the parents and the obligation, which this entails, to understand, negotiate and decide between the relatives of the deceased.


Different legal systems in different countries deal with this tricky issue in different ways, and this can lead to conflicts between successors if the deceased has assets and rights in several countries and has not clearly expressed his or her last will and testament in a will.


For these reasons it is advisable to act in advance and we recommend that «non-residents» in Spain file a will before a notary public making clear their last will and testament with respect to the assets they own in this country.
No doubt, any will of the deceased in your country will be equally valid, but the process of executing it and the liquidation of the movable or immovable assets you may own in Spain can become a slow, costly and tedious process for a number of obvious reasons:


1.- Each country has its own legal systems, so that the slightest discrepancy in the interpretation of the will can hinder the liquidation of the assets in favour of the heirs.
2.- It involves costs of translation and probate of the will.
Our lawyers will help you to:
1.- Evaluate your family and personal situation, as well as the impact that inheritance tax may have on future heirs, advising you on the most beneficial option for you and your family at the lowest possible cost.
2.- Draw up your will in accordance with what has been previously declared.
3.- Present the will with you before a notary public.
4.- Send it to the General Register of Last Wills in Madrid, once the will has been signed before a notary public.

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